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Ibiza Cine Fest – Birdsong

Enjoy this film screening in Can Jeroni Cultural Centre in San José.

lun 5 apr, 2021
Da: 20:00

Dove: Centro de Cultura Can Jeroni, San José, Ibiza

When: Monday, 5 April, 20:00 h

Where: Can Jeroni Cultural Centre in San José

Free entry, but you have to reserve your ticket here.

Birdsong | Hendrik Willemyns | IBZCF 2021

Tokyo Asuka, a young cleaning lady who works the night shift, is willing to pay a high price to achieve her dream of becoming a music star. She manages to act on a television talent show, but all of her sacrifices fail when she is accused of murder and she is forced to reveal all the details of the dark path she has followed until then.

Centro de Cultura Can Jeroni

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