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Fiestas de Forada

From 17th November to 23rd December.

Ogni giorno da 17 novembre 2013 fino a 23 dicembre 2013
Dove: Buscastell, Santa Agnès, Ibiza (Santa Inés)


Sunday 17th
11 h Matanzas and traditional meal in the marquee.

Friday 22nd
16.30 Drawing competition and meal for all. In the marquee.

Saturday 23rd
10 h Departure of the Nordic Walking event from the social centre. Registration before the event in the Concejalía
de Deportes, tel : 971 348 494 or : esports@santantoni.net.
14 h Paella popular. Ickets and more info : in la Amipa.
16 h Mamis & Papis Party. Dance exhibition by Dojo Kiay. Plus Flea Market.

30th November : Cookery competition at 6pm. Folk dancing at 7pm.

6th December : Cycle tour around Forada, leaving at 11am. At 2pm : BBQ in aid of Disparate.

7th December : Concert - Hitssessions with DJ Fernando Arte.

8th Decembr : 12.30 - Mass, followed by folk dancing and carriage parade. Sweet pastries and wine.

15th December : 12 noon - folk dancing. 2pm - Meal in the Restaurante Cruce in San Rafael.

23rd December - 7pm - Making the special Xmas sauce "Salsa de Navidad", served with bizcocho.


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