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Gymkhana orienteering race in Ibiza Town

The Ibiza City Council Sports Board, in collaboration with the Monte el Pardo y Trideporte Orientation Club, has organized a family sports gymkhana.

sab 19 dic, 2020
Da: 10:00

Dove: Baluarte Santa Lucía, Dalt Vila, Ibiza Città (Eivissa)

Saturday, 19 December | Departure from the Bastion of Santa Llúcia from 10:00 to 13:00 h.

Solidarity registration in favor of Caritas: € 4 · Link to Registration form (scroll down to the very end to find the form).

During the gymkhana, participants carry out an orientation race. They must answer interlaced questions in order to reach the end of the race, and time with the QR codes the arrival at each beacon where they will find the questions.

At each beacon the participants will find a question about the city of Eivissa and Dalt Vila, with several answers, and only the correct one will indicate which is the next beacon, so that only by answering correctly, the entire route can be completed. It is not enough to locate and go through all the beacons, you have to answer them in the correct order.

There will be a maximum of 150 participants and groups of 6 people. The Score is to go through all the beacons and properly answer the questions in the given time to get the highest score. Every minute of delay will penalize.

A competition protocol has been established. The departures will take place as the participants arrive to avoid crowds; the competition will be timed with an app that must be downloaded in advance, award ceremonies will be avoided and the mask will be mandatory at all times.

Those interested can sign up through the website of the Eivissa City Council and you can pay the 4 euros at the start of the race or by sending a transfer. The proceeds of the race will go to Cáritas.

Find more info in Spanish here.

Baluarte Santa Lucía, Dalt Vila

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