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Neighbor-hooding in Ibiza harbour

Live music, workshops, kids' activities and much more

sab 21 apr, 2018
Da: 11:00

Dove: Ibiza Port, Ibiza Città (Eivissa)


Programme for the day:

11:00 to 16:00 h.: Models and boats exhibition, by Nito Misses.
Sailor and mariner exhibition Casa del Mar.
Sports vessels exhibition Club Nàutico Ibiza.
Boat "Muson Primero" exhibition - Fishermen´s Brotherhood Ibiza.

11:00 to 14:00 h.: Children painting workshop.
"Rosa dels vents" ( Wind Rose ) Workshop.
Sailor knots workshop.
Identigying fishes Workshop.
Game : where do I lie?
Photocall - Photoboost.

11:00 to 14:30 h.: For children from 7 y.o.
Short trip, sailing. Club Náutico Ibiza.

12:00 h.: Colla sa Bodega. Folk
12:30 h.: Concert: Aires Formenterencs.

12:00 to 14:00 h.: Kitchen workshop: Frita de Polp
12:00 to 14:00 h.: "Arrós Marinera" Contest - PeixNostrum

14:00 h.: Popular rice - In benefit of the Magna Pytiusa Association.

15:30 h.: Awards ceremony.

15:30 h.: Concert - Bluesmafia i es Saligardos

11:00 to 16:00 h: Cala Millor "open boat"

Ibiza Port

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