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Ibiza What Would You Do If?

What would you do if you were in the same situation as the protagonists of three improbable

What would you do if you were in the same situation as the protagonists of three improbable but totally true stories gleaned from this week's Ibiza newspapers?

Picture this, it's 9am, you've just rolled home drunk and you discover that you've left your keys inside your apartment – what do you do? Well a 36 year-old man from Ecuador is now serious but stable in our local hospital with multiple injuries after falling from a giant tree conveniently located outside his flat where police found him unconscious on the pavement.

It's Saturday night, a bar near you has just been closed down by the police and is subject to regular patrols by the cops to make sure it stays firmly shut -what do you do? Rob it of course! Two Ibicencos were arrested trying to rob the bar when police became suspicious that it had people inside it when it clearly wasn't open.

You've been spotted driving on the wrong side of the road, you've wet your trousers and a breath test shows you're FOUR times over the limit – what do you do? Well naturally you refuse to pay the €2700 fine imposed by the judge claiming that the breath test you've had was unreliable and that you only had 2 glasses of wine! An as yet unnamed Ibicenco man hopes that this defence will prevent him losing his license for two years. We'll drink to that!

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