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Ibiza Fire Aid = Festibosc

The details for the charity concert by Ibiza bands to raise money

The details for the charity concert by Ibiza bands to raise money to help repair the damage – the total cost has been estimated to run into millions of Euros – caused by the recent big fire in San Juan have now been firmed up.

As we previously reported the venue will be the esplanade at the side of the Congress Palace of Santa Eulalia and it will be held on Saturday 23rd July at 20.00. Entrance is free but there will be plenty of collection boxes so that anyone attending can donate however much they can.

Now known as 'Festibosc' (festi = fiesta, bosc = forest) it will feature 3 live bands, Projecte Mut, Ressonadors and Statuas d Sal as well as DJs playing all the hits from the Flower Power days! So if you're in Ibiza, please go along for some great music and donate generously to help replant the forest.

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